Nostalgic for Africa
Last night we spent a few hours with a group of people sharing with them about our work and life in the Congo. We didn't hide the challenges or frustrations that come from living in that context. It is impossible to move from a setting like Canada to the brokenness of the Congo without dealing non-stop with the flagrant differences and difficulties.
But even so, this morning I'm feeling rather nostalgic. Nostalgic to see my friends again. To see how our missionary candidates are doing. To re-engage and re-invest in a ministry and vision that far exceed me, my life. Africa has seeped into my veins, my heart, it would seem. And it's not at all about wanting to escape Canada's cold wintry blast to a land of perpetual sunshine. It's about being reminded every day about how I need God's grace, it's the challenge of total dependency, the thrill of pouring out my life into God's Africa.
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