Little Sophie

I met her last week.  Sophie.  But she will never remember the first time I saw her.  She was lying face  down on a blanket, outside under a tree.  Sleeping, I thought, at first.  As I talked with her mom I learned that actually she was unresponsive.  This little 7 year old suffered since 1 1/2 years of age from frequent seizures, every few months in fact.  This time, she had been in this state  for three days more or less.  She had eaten nothing.  Sophie was completely unaware of everything going on around her.  Because of the frequent seizures, she was unable to attend school in a neighbouring village.  Her mom, in a desperate measure, had brought her the 30 or more kilometres to a Christian retreat centre so that someone would  pray for her.  There was no other option.  Sophie had never been seen by a doctor for her condition.  No money for that.

So we did pray for her.

We also took Sophie with her mom to a hospital in the nearest town. We told them to care for her, do some tests and our mission team would cover the cost.
In a day or so, when we were leaving the area, we stopped by the hospital to see Sophie.  She was smiling...the most beautiful smile imaginable.
The One we follow says that when you do "this" for the least of these, it's just like Jesus would do.  I believe it.  I'd like to think that Sophie does too.


  1. Oh, bless you! Bless you for doing what Jesus would do if he had been there, what he would do for one of the least of these. Great will be your reward in heaven!



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