Satisfied with you
What is my one desire? And with what
am I most satisfied? I know, sitting here, jetlagged in the middle
of the night and unable to sleep, that these are important questions.
The most important, in fact. I know what I could say, what I should
say. I know what I want and yearn to say. You, Lord. You are my
one desire. You are all I really need or want and what satisfies me
like nothing or no one else can or does. And there are glimmers of
times when this is the absolute truth. And there are blocks of time,
more than I want to admit, when it is not. I can become so bloated from
stuffing myself with everything and with nothing, when actually I'm starving to death for lack of what is most needed - You - and so unaware of it until the truth and folly dawn on me, and the hunger pains will not be satiated without you. And in those
moments how thankful I am for the dissatisfaction that wells up with
status quo or with the glitter of idolatry that tries to steal my heart from
you or tell me you are not enough. When hearts are drawn to you, in the middle of
the night, when sleep evades and all is quiet, I bow my head, and
humble my heart and thank you for satisfying my soul in you, in you alone.
Absolutely true, Brenda. Been struggling with the same myself.