As much...of I want

“You can always have as much of God as you want” - Ann Voskamp.
Hmmm.  That’s the problem, wouldn’t you say?  There are just times when I don’t really want much of God or God much.  Just a thought that someone else wrote but it rather feels like an arrow piercing my heart.  How much have I wanted God lately? How much of God have I craved? 

But seek first the kingdom of God…and to seek his kingdom, you have to seek the King.  And in seeking a king, THE King, it signifies living under His reign and following His rule.

In this moment, I want you, King Jesus.  I want more of you.  I want as much of you as this poor, often rebellious, taciturn heart can handle.  That my mind, heart, soul and body would be open and responsive to you and your ever-present presence today.


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