"With Him" - Learning to live one moment at a time

I've lived a certain number of transitions in my life - some smallish in nature and others that have rocked and upended my world.  But whether big or small, quick or drawn out in time, they have all required a  stepping out, a going through open doors, a leaping off of what appeared to me to be impossible cliffs.

Faith.  It's what this walking with Jesus is all about really.  Daily living in trust and obedience.  So why are we - why am I - so hesitate to do just that?  To take one step, live one moment at a time knowing beyond a shadow of doubt that God is with me, and that He knows what's around the next corner even though I don't.

Jesus, today I choose to trust you.   I've got my ear on your chest so I can hear your heartbeat ...  Thump thump.  Thump thump.  Thump, thump ...  What others say or think will not deter me.  I will not let fear paralyze me.   I'm stepping out, stepping off the ledge of perceived safety into the true safety of your waiting arms.  What adventures lie ahead, I do not know.  But still I leap.
  I dare to go through doors and follow paths  and embrace my God and all He has for me.  Today is a new day - learning to live one moment at a time with Him.


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