My Dance with God

“God invites us into a beautiful dance; imagined by the Father, choreographed by the Son, and accompanied by the music of the Holy Spirit.  The dance is just part of the inevitable outburst of joy that comes, even from the most disciplined hearts, when human beings who have been searching for honest love all our lives begin to understand that God desires eternal relationship with us, and when we see all God is bringing to that relationship – grace and peace, promise and assurance, unconditional forgiveness, love, and unending care.  God invites us to lose ourselves – to dance with uninhibited passion, and God delights when we respond!  Eugene Peterson has translated Philippians 3:1, “And that's about it, friends.  Be glad in God!”
But when we finally get the courage to take God's dance into the neighbourhood – living as Christ followers in the reality of our daily lives – we immediately face another challenge.  The music of God's joy and the heartbeat of God's love are what keep us in sync with God's eternal dance.  But these can quickly be overpowered by the chaos of our world and the hammering of its demands.  Seemingly relentless distractions from Grace can obliterate the music of God like the beautiful melody of a solo violin that gets lost in the roar on a subway platform each time another train passes through.
 "  (“Dwelling with Philippians”)

I am no dancer.  No really.  I have no rhythm whatsoever.  Just ask any African who knows me, Africans who just KNOW how to dance and find every pleasure, joy,  in doing so at every opportunity.   But somehow, deep within me, this idea of dance stirs my heart profoundly.  Dancing with God.  In graceful movement. In time to His music.  Moving as one.  Following His lead.  In my mind's eye, I see God and me waltzing together and wanting it never to end.  Just hoping the music never stops, desiring nothing more than to continually be in His arms moving in time to the music He's humming in my ears. 

But tone deaf and dance gene deficient , how difficult it is to learn to move freely, joyfully, to His rhythm, in time to His beat especially when everything around me blasts out a different music.  But if I could just practice His steps, and tune my ear to hear His music, and joyously love His dance, would it not  change forever how I dance through life?   And perhaps, even others would be incited to want to join this dance with God.


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