
Showing posts from 2012

Christmas...what if?

My "I must"

It's not ok

Embracing the mystery

My Dance with God

Transform me

Blessed, Wounded and Limping

My "Tent of Meeting"

So undone

God's topsy-turvy love

A good word from the farmer

Meditate on these things...

Best Place Possible : with You

Ode to Liane

Seeing the Back of God

Changing the way I see...

Guided by God's Strength

« Here I am, Lord »...

i am only

God's gift to me

What if I don't pray...

"Let our children see your glory"

From east, west, north and south

The "heart" of the matter

Jesus, Friend of the Poor

Curse or Blessing?

Follow Him

Rebellion or Trust and Obey?

Reality check

Just Do It

When God Says it is Long Enough

The God of the less direct route

« Pay the Price. Finish the Task »